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Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody

A Man who would not Speak to his Wife.

I remember while in Philadelphia, a man with his wife came to our meetings. When he went out he wouldn't speak to his wife. She thought it was very queer, but said nothing, and went to bed thinking that in the morning he would be all right. At breakfast, however, he would not speak a word. Well, she thought this strange, but she was sure he would have got all over whatever was wrong with him by dinner. The dinner hour arrived, and it passed away without his saying a word. At supper not a word escaped him, and he would not go with her to the meeting. Every day for a whole week the same thing went on. But at the end of the week he could not stand it any longer, and he said to his wife: |Why did you go and write to Mr. Moody and tell him all about me?| |I never wrote to Mr. Moody in my life,| said the wife. |You did,| he answered. |You're mistaken; why do you think that?| |Well, then, I wronged you; but when I saw Mr. Moody picking me out among all those people, and telling all about me, I was sure you must have written to him.| It was the Son of Man seeking for him, my friends, and I hope there will be a man here to-night -- that man in the gallery yonder, that one before me -- who will feel that I am talking personally to him. May you feel that you are lost, and that the Lord is seeking for you, and when you feel this there is some chance of your being saved.

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