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Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody

Jesus |Wants them All to Come.|

I heard of a Sunday-school concert at which a little child of eight was going to recite. Her mother had taught her, and when the night came the little thing was trembling so she could scarcely speak. She commenced, |Jesus said,| and completely broke down. Again she tried it: |Jesus said suffer,| but she stopped once more. A third attempt was made by her, |Suffer little children -- and don't anybody stop them, for He wants them all to come,| and that is the truth. There is not a child who has a parent in the Tabernacle but He wants, and if you but bring them in the arms of your faith and ask the Son of God to bless them and train them in the knowledge of God, and teach them as you walk your way, as you lie down at night, as you rise up in the morning, they will be blessed.

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