Some people say to me, |Moody, you don't believe in the flood. All the scientific men tell us it is absurd.| Let them tell us. Jesus tells us of it, and I would rather take the word of Jesus than that of any other one. I haven't got much respect for those men who dig down for stones with shovels, in order to take away the word of God. Men don't believe in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, but we have it sealed in the New Testament. |As, it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.| They don't believe in Lot's wife, but He says, |Remember Lot's wife.| So there is not a thing that men to-day cavil at but the Son of God indorses. They don't believe, in the swallowing of Jonah. They say it is impossible that a whale could swallow Jonah -- its throat is too small. They forget that the whale was prepared for Jonah; as the colored woman said, |Why, God could prepare a man to swallow a whale, let alone a whale to swallow a man.|