An Englishman asked me some time ago, |Do you know much about Job?| |Well, I know a little,| I replied. |If you've got the key of Job, you've got the key to the whole Bible.| |What?| I replied, |I thought it was a poetical book.| |Well,| said he, |I will just divide Job into seven heads. The first is the perfect man -- untried; and that is Adam and Eve before they fell. The second head is tried by adversity -- Adam after the fall. The third is the wisdom of the world -- the three friends who came to try to help Job out of his difficulties. They had no power to help him at all.| He could stand his scolding wife, but he could not stand them. The fourth head takes the form of the Mediator, and in the fifth head God speaks at last. He heard him before by the ear, but he hears Him now by the soul, and he fell down flat upon his face. A good many men in Chicago are like Job. They think they are mighty good men, but the moment they hear the voice of God they know they are sinners, they are in the dust. There isn't much talk about their goodness then. Here he was with his face down. Job learned his lesson. That was the sixth head, and in these heads were the burdens of Adam's sin. The seventh head was when God showed him His face. Well, I learned the key to the Bible. I cannot tell how this helped me. I told it to another man, and he asked me if I ever thought how he got his property back and his sheep back. He gave Job double what he had and gave him ten children besides, so that he should have ten in heaven besides his ten on earth.
[Illustration: Jesus Blessing Children; GUSTAVE DORE. Mark, x, 13-16]