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Moodys Anecdotes And Illustrations by Dwight L. Moody


How Moody was Blessed -- |Mark Your Bible.|

I want to tell you how I was blessed a few years ago, upon hearing a discourse upon the thirtieth chapter of Proverbs. The speaker said the children of God were like four things. The first thing was: |The ants are a people not strong,| and he went on to compare the children of God to ants. He said the people of God were like, ants. They pay no attention to the things of the present, but go on steadily preparing for the future. The next thing he compared them to was the conies. |The conies are but a feeble folk.| It is a very weak little thing. |Well,| said I, |I wouldn't like to be as a coney.| But he went on to say that it built upon a rock. The children of God were very weak, but they laid their foundation upon a rock. |Well,| said I, |I will be like a coney and build my hopes upon a rock.| Like the Irishman who said he trembled himself, but the rock upon which his house was built never did. The next thing the speaker compared them to was a locust. I didn't think much of locusts; and I thought I wouldn't care about being like one. But he went on to read, |They have no king, yet they go forth all of them by bands.| There were the Congregationalist, the Presbyterian, the Methodist bands going forth without a king, but by and by our King will come back again, and these bands will fly to Him. |Well, I will be like a locust; my King is away,| I thought. The next comparison was a spider. I didn't like this at all, but he said if we went into a gilded palace filled with luxury, we might see a spider holding on to something, oblivious to all the luxury below. It was laying hold of the things above. |Well,| said I, |I would like to be a spider.| I heard this a good many years ago, and I just put the speaker's name to it, and it makes a sermon. But take your Bibles and mark them. Don't think of wearing them out. It is a rare thing to find a man wearing his Bible out now-a-days -- and Bibles are cheap, too. You are living in a land where they are plenty. Study them and mark them, and don't be afraid of wearing them.

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