One thing I know -- I cannot speak for others, but can speak for myself; I cannot read other minds and other hearts; I cannot read the Bible and lay hold for others; but I can read for myself, and take God at his word. The great trouble is that people take everything in general, and do not take it to themselves. Suppose a man should say to me, |Moody, there was a man in Europe who died last week, and left five million dollars to a certain individual.| |Well,| I say, |I don't doubt that; it's rather a common thing to happen,| and I don't think anything more about it. But suppose he says, |But he left the money to you.| Then I pay attention; I say, |To me?| |Yes, he left it to you.| I become suddenly interested. I want to know all about it. So we are apt to think Christ died for sinners; He died for everybody, and for nobody in particular. But when the truth comes to me that eternal life is mine, and all the glories of Heaven are mine, I begin to be interested. I say, |Where is the chapter and verse where it says I can be saved?| If I put myself among sinners, I take the place of the sinner, then it is that salvation is mine and I am sure of it for time and eternity.