THE TWO HERACLEOPOLITAN DYNASTIES AND THE TWELFTH DYNASTY -- THE CONQUEST OF ETHIOPIA, AND THE MAKING OF GREATER EGYPT BY THE THEBAN KINGS. The principality of Heracleopolis: Achthoes-Khiti and the Heracleopolitan dynasties -- Supremacy of the great barons: the feudal fortresses, El-Kab and Abydos; ceaseless warfare, the army -- Origin of the Theban principality: the principality of Sidt, and the struggles of its lords against the princes of Thebes -- The kings of the XIth dynasty and their buildings: the brick pyramids of Abydos and Thebes, and the rude character of early Theban art.
The XIIth dynasty: Amenemdidit I., his accession, his wars; he shares his throne with his son Usirtasen I., and the practice of a coregnancy prevails among his immediate successors -- The relations of Egypt with Asia: the Amu in Egypt and the Egyptians among the Bedouin; the Adventures of Sinuhit -- The mining settlements in the Sinaitic peninsula: Sarbut-el-Khddim and its chapel to Hathor.
Egyptian policy in the Nile Valley -- Nubia becomes part of Egypt: works of the Pharaohs, the gold-mines and citadel of Kuban -- Defensive measures at the second cataract: the two fortresses and the Nilometer of Semneh -- The vile Kush and its inhabitants: the wars against Kush and their consequences; the gold-mines -- Expeditions to Puanit, and navigation along the coasts of the Bed Sea: the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor.
Public works and new buildings -- The restoration of the temples of the Delta: Tanis and the sphinxes of Amenemhait III., Bubastis, Heliopolis, and the temple of Usirtasen I. -- The increasing importance of Thebes and Abydos -- Heracleopolis and the Fayum: the monuments of Begig and of Biahmil, the fields and water-system of the Fayum; preference shown by the Pharaohs for this province -- The royal pyramids of Dashdr, Lisht, Ulahun, and Haiodra.
The part played by the feudal lords under the XIIth dynasty -- History of the princes of Mondit-Khufui: Khnumhotpil, Khiti, Amoni-Amenemhait -- The lords of Thebes, and the accession of the XIIIth dynasty: the Sovkhotpus and the Nfirhotpus -- Completion of the conquest of Nubia; the XIVth dynasty.
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