THE ROYAL PYRAMID BUILDERS: KHEOPS, KHEPHREN, MYKERINOS -- MEMPHITE LITERATURE AND ART -- EXTENSION OF EGYPT TOWARDS THE SOUTH, AND THE CONQUEST OP NUBIA BY THE PHARAOHS. Snofrui -- The desert which separates Africa from Asia: its physical configuration, its inhabitants, their incursions into Egypt, and their relations with the Egyptians -- The peninsula of Sinai: the turquoise and copper mines, the mining works of the Pharaohs -- The two tombs of Snofrui: the pyramid and the mastabas of Medum, the statues of Bahotpu and his wife Nofrit.
Kheops, Ehephren, and Myherinos -- The Great Pyramid: its construction and internal arrangements -- The pyramids of Khephren and Myherinos; the rifling of them -- Legend about the royal pyramid builders: the impiety of Kheops and Khephren, the piety of Myherinos; the brick pyramid of Asychis -- The materials employed in building, and the quarries of Turah; the plans, the worship of the royal |double;| the Arab legends about the guardian genii of the pyramids.
The kings of the fifth dynasty: Usirkaf, Sahuri, Kalciu, and the romance about their advent -- The relations of the Delta to the peoples of the North: the shipping and maritime commerce of the Egyptians -- Nubia and its tribes: the Uauaiu and the Mazaiu, Puanit, the dwarfs and the Danga -- Egyptian literature: the Proverbs of Phtahhotpu -- The arts: architecture, statuary and its chief examples, bas-reliefs, painting, industrial art.
The development of Egyptian feudalism, and the advent of the sixth dynasty: Ati, Imhotpa, Teti -- Papi I. and his minister Uni: the affair of Queen Amitsi; the wars against the Hiru-Shaitu and the country of Tiba -- Metesuphis I. and the second Papi: progress of the Egyptian power in Nubia -- the lords of Elephantine; Hirkhuf, Papinakhiti: the way for conquest prepared by their explorations, the occupation of the Oases -- The pyramids of Saqqara: Metesuphis the Second -- Nitokris and the legend concerning her -- Preponderance of the feudal lords, and fall of the Memphite dynasty.
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