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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-3-6] Observe the word |self-evident|; for there lies the truth of the matterà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-3-6] Observe the word |self-evident|; for there lies the truth of the matterà

Observe the word |self-evident|; for there lies the truth of the matter; for you have no more of the truth of religion than what is self-evident in you. A blind man may be rich in notions and opinions about the nature, power, and good, of light; and in this case, one blind man may perplex another, and unsettle his notions; but when the light manifesteth itself, and is become self-evident, then he is at once delivered from all uncertainty about it. Now religion is light and life; but light and life can only manifest themselves, and can nowhere be known, but where they are self-evident.

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