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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-2-129] |Hence it sufficiently appears, that your way of natural religion cannot be the way ofà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-2-129] |Hence it sufficiently appears, that your way of natural religion cannot be the way ofà

|Hence it sufficiently appears, that your way of natural religion cannot be the way of salvation; because the want of salvation is nothing else, but the wanting to have our state and manner of existence in God altered for the better, or to have something of God communicated to us, which we want, and are capable of receiving. But if this is, and must be, the nature of salvation; then no religion can save us, or do us our proper good, or supply our proper want, but that which has power to alter our state of existence in God, or to communicate to us that of God, which we want, and are capable of. And therefore, nothing but that same power of God, which created us, which gave us our state and manner of existence in God, and communicated to us that which we possess in him, can redeem us, or help us to that state and manner of existence in him, which we have lost, and are in want of.

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