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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-2-101] And thus, sir, you see, that every soul of man is partly humanà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-2-101] And thus, sir, you see, that every soul of man is partly humanà

And thus, sir, you see, that every soul of man is partly human, and partly divine; and is united to an earthly and an heavenly nature; and so not only can, but must, always work either with one or the other, and has nothing else to work with; and must and can be, or have nothing else, but as he followeth or worketh with either of these wills. So that, infallibly to know both your present and future state, what you are, and to what you belong, you need only to see, what you cannot help seeing, how, and where, and to what, your will worketh.

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