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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-2-36] There are two sorts of people to whom he forbids the use of his booksà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-2-36] There are two sorts of people to whom he forbids the use of his booksà

There are two sorts of people to whom he forbids the use of his books, as uncapable of any benefit from them, and who will rather receive hurt, than any good from them. The first sort he shows in these words: |Loving reader, if thou lovest the vanity of the flesh still, and art not in an earnest purpose of the way to the new birth, intending to be a new man, then leave the above-written words in these prayers unnamed, or else they will turn to a judgment of God in thee.|* {*Repent. p.42} Again, |Reader, I admonish you sincerely, if you be not in the way of the prodigal, or lost son, returning to his father again, that you leave my book, and read it not; it will do you harm. But if you will not take warning, I will be guiltless; blame nobody but yourself.| {**Three Prin.}

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