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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-1-85] To ask therefore, why the fallen angels were not helped by the mercy and goodnessà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-1-85] To ask therefore, why the fallen angels were not helped by the mercy and goodnessà

To ask therefore, why the fallen angels were not helped by the mercy and goodness of God, as fallen man was; is like asking, why the refreshing dew of heaven does not do that to flint, which it does to the vegetable plant? For as the nature of the flint is too hard, and too much compacted, to receive any alteration from the sweet softness of refreshing water; so the fallen angel, like the flint, being shut up in the wrathful working of its own hard darkness and fire, the goodness of God can have no entrance into it.

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