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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-1-40] Oh! Academicus, forget your scholarship, give up your art and criticismà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-1-40] Oh! Academicus, forget your scholarship, give up your art and criticismà

Oh! Academicus, forget your scholarship, give up your art and criticism, be a plain man, and then the first rudiments of sense may teach you, that there, and there only, can goodness be, where it comes forth as a birth of life, and is the free natural work and fruit of that which lives within us. For till goodness thus comes from a life within us, we have in truth none at all. For reason, with all its doctrine, discipline, and rules, can only help us to be so good, so changed, and amended, as a wild beast may be, that by restraints and methods is taught to put on a sort of tameness, though its wild nature is all the time only restrained, and in a readiness to break forth again as occasion shall offer.

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