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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-1-16] How unreasonable would it be, to offer the Christian redemption to glorious angels in heaven?à

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-1-16] How unreasonable would it be, to offer the Christian redemption to glorious angels in heaven?à

How unreasonable would it be, to offer the Christian redemption to glorious angels in heaven? Could anything be more inconsistent with their heavenly, unfallen state? Yet just so unreasonable would it be to offer it to man unfallen from his first created state -- for man standing in that first perfection of life, which God breathed into him, and in that very outward state, or world, into which God himself brought him, wants no more redemption, than the most glorious angels do; and to preach to such a man, in order to be reconciled to God, the necessity of dying to himself, and the world he is in, would be as contrary to all sense and reason, as to preach to angels the necessity of dying to themselves, their divine life and the kingdom of heaven, for which God had created them.

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