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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : [Way-1-7] For the soul of every man is the breath and life of the triune Godà

The Way To Divine Knowledge by William Law

[Way-1-7] For the soul of every man is the breath and life of the triune Godà

For the soul of every man is the breath and life of the triune God, and as such a partaker of the divine nature; but all this divinity is unfelt, because overpowered by the workings of flesh and blood, till such time as distress, or grace, or both, give flesh and blood a shock, open the long shut-up eyes, and force a man to find something in himself, that sense and reason, whilst at quiet were not aware of. Wonder not therefore at this conflict in your soul, that you are eager after more light, and impatient to communicate that which you have. For you must be thus driven; and both these desires are only two witnesses to this truth, that a heaven-born spirit is come to life in you.

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