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The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

HYMN 123 The repenting prodigal. Luke 15:13,etc.

C. M.

The repenting prodigal. Luke 15:13,etc.

Behold the wretch whose lust and wine

Had wasted his estate,

He begs a share among the swine,

To taste the husks they eat!

|I die with hunger here,| he cries,

|I starve in foreign lands;

My father's house has large supplies

And bounteous are his hands.

|I'll go, and with a mournful tongue

Fall down before his face,-

Father, I've done thy justice wrong,

Nor can deserve thy grace.|

He said, and hastened to his home,

To seek his father's love;

The father saw the rebel come,

And all his bowels move.

He ran, and fell upon his neck,

Embraced and kissed his son;

The rebel's heart with sorrow brake

For follies he had done.

|Take off his clothes of shame and sin,|

The father gives command,

|Dress him in garments white and clean,

With rings adorn his hand.

|A day of feasting I ordain,

Let mirth and joy abound;

My son was dead, and lives again,

Was lost, and now is found.|

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