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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : HYMN 114 Abraham's blessing on the Gentiles. Rom. 11:16,17.

The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

HYMN 114 Abraham's blessing on the Gentiles. Rom. 11:16,17.

C. M.

Abraham's blessing on the Gentiles. Rom.11:16,17.

Gentiles by nature, we belong

To the wild olive wood;

Grace took us from the barren tree,

And grafts us in the good.

With the same blessings grace endows

The Gentile and the Jew;

If pure and holy be the root,

Such are the branches too.

Then let the children of the saints

Be dedicate to God,

Pour out thy Spirit on them, Lord,

And wash them in thy blood.

Thus to the parents and their seed

Shall thy salvation come,

And num'rous households meet at last

In one eternal home.

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