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The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

PSALM 132 A church established.


C. M.

A church established.


[No sleep nor slumber to his eyes

Good David would afford,

Till he had found below the skies

A dwelling for the Lord.

The Lord in Zion placed his name,

His ark was settled there;

To Zion the whole nation came

To worship thrice a year.

But we have no such lengths to go,

Nor wander far abroad;

Where'er thy saints assemble now,

There is a house for God.]

Arise, O King of grace, arise,

And enter to thy rest!

Lo! thy church waits with longing eyes

Thus to be owned and blessed.

Enter with all thy glorious train,

Thy Spirit and thy word;

All that the ark did once contain

Could no such grace afford.

Here, mighty God, accept our vows,

Here let thy praise be spread;

Bless the provisions of thy house,

And fill thy poor with bread.

Here let the Son of David reign,

Let God's Anointed shine;

Justice and truth his court maintain

With love and power divine.

Here let him hold a lasting throne;

And as his kingdom grows,

Fresh honors shall adorn his crown,

And shame confound his foes.

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