C. M.
The covenant of grace unchangeable.
|Yet,| saith the Lord, |if David's race,
The children of my Son,
Should break my laws, abuse my grace,
And tempt mine anger down;
|Their sins I'll visit with the rod
And make their folly smart;
But I'll not cease to be their God,
Nor from my truth depart.
|My cov'nant I will ne'er revoke,
But keep my grace in mind
And what eternal love hath spoke
Eternal truth shall bind.
|Once have I sworn (I need no more)
And pledged my holiness,
To seal the sacred promise sure
To David and his race.
|The sun shall see his offspring rise
And spread from sea to sea,
Long as he travels round the skies
To give the nations day.
|Sure as the moon that rules the night
His kingdom shall endure,
Till the fixed laws of shade and light
Shall be observed no more.