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The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

PSALM 85 PART 1 Waiting for an answer to prayer; or, Deliverance begun and completed.


L. M.

Waiting for an answer to prayer; or, Deliverance begun and completed.

Lord, thou hast called thy grace to mind,

Thou hast reversed our heavy doom;

So God forgave when Isr'el sinned,

And brought his wand'ring captives home.

Thou hast begun to set us free,

And made thy fiercest wrath abate;

Now let our hearts be turned to thee,

And thy salvation be complete.

Revive our dying graces, Lord,

And let thy saints in thee rejoice;

Make known thy truth, fulfil thy word;

We wait for praise to tune our voice.

We wait to hear what God will say;

He'll speak, and give his people peace;

But let them run no more astray,

Lest his returning wrath increase.

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