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The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

PSALM 63 Seeking God.

S. M.

Seeking God.

My God, permit my tongue

This joy, to call thee mine;

And let my early cries prevail

To taste thy love divine.

My thirsty, fainting soul

Thy mercy doth implore;

Not travellers in desert lands

Can pant for water more.

Within thy churches, Lord,

I long to find my place;

Thy power and glory to behold,

And feel thy quick'ning grace.

For life without thy love

No relish can afford;

No joy can be compared to this,

To serve and please the Lord.

To thee I'll lift my hands,

And praise thee while I live;

Not the rich dainties of a feast

Such food or pleasure give.

In wakeful hours at night

I call my God to mind;

I think how wise thy counsels are,

And all thy dealings kind.

Since thou hast been my help,

To thee my spirit flies,

And on thy watchful providence

My cheerful hope relies.

The shadow of thy wings

My soul in safety keeps;

I follow where my Father leads,

And he supports my steps.

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