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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : PSALM 21 Our king is the care of Heaven.

The Psalms And Hymns Of Isaac Watts by Isaac Watts

PSALM 21 Our king is the care of Heaven.

C. M.

Our king is the care of Heaven.

The king, O Lord, with songs of praise,

Shall in thy strength rejoice;

And, blest with thy salvation, raise

To heav'n his cheerful voice.

Thy sure defence through nations round

Has spread his glorious name;

And his successful actions crowned

With majesty and fame.

Then let the king on God alone

For timely aid rely;

His mercy shall support the throne,

And all our wants supply.

But, righteous Lord, his stubborn foes

Shall feel thy dreadful hand;

Thy vengeful arm shall find out those

That hate his mild command.

When thou against them dost engage,

Thy just but dreadful doom

Shall, like a fiery oven's rage,

Their hopes and them consume.

Thus, Lord, thy wondrous power declare,

And thus exalt thy fame;

Whilst we glad songs of praise prepare

For thine almighty name.

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