(Resp. -- Blessed is He Who went down and was baptized in Jordan, and turned back the People from error!)
1. In Baptism Adam found again -- that glory that was among the trees of Eden. -- He went down, and received it out of the water; -- he put it on, and went up and was adorned therein. -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
2. Man fell in the midst of Paradise, -- and in baptism compassion restored him: -- he lost his comeliness through Satan's envy, -- and found it again by God's grace. -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
3. The wedded pair were adorned in Eden; -- but the serpent stole their crowns: -- yet mercy crushed down the accursed one, -- and made the wedded pair goodly in their raiment. -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
4. They clothed themselves with leaves of necessity; -- but the Merciful had pity on their beauty, -- and instead of leaves of trees, -- He clothed them with glory in the water. -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
5. Baptism is the well-spring of life, -- which the Son of God opened by His Life; -- and from His Side it has brought forth streams. -- Come, all that thirst, come, rejoice! -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
6. The Father has sealed Baptism, to exalt it; -- and the Son has espoused it to glorify it; -- and the Spirit with threefold seal -- has stamped it, and it has shone in holiness. -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!
7. The Trinity that is unsearchable -- has laid up treasures in baptism. -- Descend, ye poor, to its fountain! -- and be enriched from it, ye needy! -- Blessed be He that has mercy on all!