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Hymns And Homilies Of Ephraim The Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian

Hymn IV. Blessed be He that blots out in water misdeeds that are without measure!

(Resp. -- Blessed be He that blots out in water misdeeds that are without measure!)

1. Descend my sealed brethren, put ye on our Lord, -- and be rejoined to His lineage, for He is son of a great lineage, -- as He has said in His Word.

2. From on high is His Nature, and from beneath His Vesture. -- Each that puts off his vesture, commingled is that vesture, with His Vesture forever.

3. Ye too in the water, receive from him the vesture, -- that wastes not or is lost for it is the vesture that vests -- them that are vested in it forever.

4. But the blessed Priest, is daysman between two: -- the covenant shall be made before Him, He is daysman of his Lord, -- and surety on our part.

5. The Godhead in the water, lo! has mingled His leaven; -- for the creatures of dust, that leaven raises up, -- and the Godhead joins them.

6. For it is the leaven of the Lord, that can glide into the bondman, -- and raise him to freedom; it has joined the bondman to the lineage, -- of Him the Lord of all.

7. For the bondman who has put on Him, Who makes all free in the waters, -- though bondman he be on earth, is son of the free on high, -- for freedom he has put on.

8. The freeman who has put on, that Angel in the waters, -- is as the fellow of servants, that he may be made like to the Lord, -- Who became bondman unto bondmen.

9. He Who enriches all came down, and put on poverty, -- that He might divide to the poor, the stores that were hidden, -- out of the treasure-house of the water.

10. The lowly one again that has put on, the Giver of all greatness, in the water, -- even though he be base in the sight of fools, yet is great in the sight of the Watchers, -- for that he is clad in greatness.

11. For like as He Who is great, Who became lowly in His love, -- by the unbelievers was persecuted, and by the Watchers was worshipped, -- was made lowly and makes the lowly great.

12. Thus let him be lowly who is great, that in him the lowly may be great: -- Let us be like to Him Who is greater than all, Who became less than all: -- He was made lowly, and makes all men great.

13. The meek man who has put on Him Who is great, in the water, -- though humble be his countenance, very great is his discernment, -- for He Who is exalted above all dwells in him.

14. For who could be found to despise the bush of thorn, -- the despised and humble, wherein the Majesty in fire, -- made its dwelling within?

15. Who again could be found, to despise Moses, -- the meek and slow of speech, -- when that excelling glory -- dwelt upon his meekness?

16. They that despised him despised his Lord; the wicked that despised him -- the earth swallowed up in anger; the Levites who scorned Him, -- the fire devoured in fury.

17. Of Him Christ commanded, |Thou shalt not call him Raca,| who is baptized and has put Him on; for whoso despises the despised, despises with him the Mighty.

18. In Eden and in the world, are parables of our Lord; -- and what tongue can gather, the similitudes of His mysteries? -- for He is figured all of Him in all things.

19. In the Scriptures He is written of; on Nature He is impressed; -- His crown is figured in kings, in prophets His truth, His atonement in priests.

20. In the rod was He of Moses, and in the hyssops of Aaron, -- and in the crown of David: to the prophets pertains His similitude, to the Apostles His Gospel.

21. Revelations beheld Thee, proverbs looked for Thee, -- mysteries expected Thee, similitudes saluted Thee, parables showed types of Thee.

22. The Covenant of Moses looked forward to the Gospel: -- all things of old time, flew on and alighted thereon, in the new Covenant.

23. Lo! the prophets have poured out on Him, their glorious mysteries; -- the priests and kings have poured out upon Him, their wonderful types: -- they all have poured them out on all of Him.

24. Christ overcame and surpassed, by His teachings the mysteries, -- by His interpretations the parables; as the sea into its midst -- receives all streams.

25. For Christ is the sea, and He can receive -- the fountains and brooks, the rivers and streams, that flow from the midst of the Scriptures.

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