Hymns And Homilies Of Ephraim The Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian
Hymn LXVII. Come ye, let us hear how Death convicts the People: that harsher than Death was their sword, against the just
1. Come ye, let us hear how Death convicts the People: that harsher than Death was their sword, against the just. -- 2. R., To Thee be glory, Who by Thy sacrifice, hast redeemed our disgrace: and Whose death was instead of all deaths, that Thou mightst raise all! -- 3. It was not Death indeed that crucified Jesus, but it was the People: how hateful then the People, that are yet more hateful than I! -- 4. Into the pit they cast Jeremiah, the miry pit: but I in Sheol allotted, honour to his bones. -- 5. Naboth they bruised to death with stones, as though he were a dog: how good am I who have never stoned, even a dog! -- 6. The Hebrew women in famine, ate their children: Sheol is good who delivers and gives them up, without difficulty. -- 7. To the widow I gave her son, by the hand of Elijah: to the Shunamite her beloved, by the hand of Elisha. -- 8. The Hebrew women in greed, ate their children: Sheol gave up the dead and learned, to fast soberly. -- 9. Sheol was not indeed Sheol, but its semblance: Jezebel was the true Sheol, who devoured the just. -- 10. The sons of the prophets and the prophets, she slew and cast down: to heaven Elijah escaped, from her fury. -- 11. How many deaths instead of one Death, were among the People! and how many Sheols instead of one, were there also! -- 12. Samaria and Jezrael her daughters, in Israel: and Zion and Jerusalem her sister, in Judea. -- 13. Prophets and just men in Judea, and in Israel: in these two abysses, they were drowned. -- 14. Why then is Sheol hated, and she alone: though there be many that are hateful, rather than she? -- 15. The dead of the men of Judah, to me are right hateful: yea, abhorred by me are their bones, in the midst of Sheol. -- 16. Would that then I had a way to cast them out: to cast their bones thence from Sheol, for they cause her to rot. -- 17. I wonder at the Holy Spirit, that He thus dwelt: in the midst of a People whose savour stank, as their conversation. -- 18. Onions and garlic are the heralds of their doings: as is the food so is the understanding, of this defiled people. -- 19. Through the supplication of all that bow, and worship Thy Father: have mercy on Thy worshipper, who is thankless for Thy love. -- 20. From Hebrews and Aramæans, and also from the Watchers: to Thee be praise and through Thee to Thy Father, be also glory! -- 21. For that I have a mouth to Death, who is without mouth: may the Son Who is all mouths, hold back my offence from His Father!