Hymns And Homilies Of Ephraim The Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian
Hymn LIX. Lo! Death for us on Satan, inflicts vengeance
1. Lo! Death for us on Satan, inflicts vengeance: come let us hear his shame and rejoice, for he rejoiced in our shame. -- 2. R., To Thee be glory from Thy flock, from Thee: are subdued both Death and Satan, under Thy Feet! -- 3. D., Evil ones shall be hung upright, but thou, head downward: for, reversely, thou crucifiedst, Simon on the tree. -- 4. S., Touching all else I am silent, Death, for my time wanes: Simon himself conjured me, |Crucify me thus.| -- 5. Were it the just that cursed me, I had not grieved: the curse of Death unto me, is worse than hell. -- 6. D., The shame of our Lord I have not spoken of, it is too great for my mouth: that I should weigh and compare His Passion, with Thy torment. -- 7. Twelve judgment thrones shall He set, for His Twelve: for by the twelve tribes thou, even thou, shall be condemned. -- 8. A halter unbought shalt thou hang thee, O thou Satan: as that Thy disciple hung him, a halter for a price. -- 9. Haply yon hell in mercy, shall be emptied: and thou shalt dwell there alone, with Thy ministers. -- 10. Manifold are Thy curses, and how shall I count them? Lo! the sum of all thy curses, is on thy members. -- 11. The evil in the fire shall stab thee, who madest them evil: they shall upbraid thee |wherefore, broughtest thou us hither?| -- 12. Sinners shall rail against thee, and haply their threats: shall be worse to thee than the torment, of yonder hell. -- 13. These shall be unto thee there, all of them Satans: as thou hast been to them here, the one Satan. -- 14. The Watchers shall seize and hurl thee down, calling to mind: how through thee men hurled their Lord, from the height to the depth. -- 15. All men will run to stone thee, not forgetting that through thee the maddened people ran, to stone their Maker. -- 16. On thee, Evil One, from all mouths shall be, the spitting of wrath: for through thee they spat on Him Whose spittle, gave sight to the blind. -- 17. On thee, Evil One, from all tongues, shall be all curses: for through thee men blasphemed Him, Who opened dumb mouths. -- 18. Blessed is He Who avenged our wrong, though in silence: and stirred up Death against the Evil One, to fall upon him! -- 19. Sound we Hosannas, my brethren, as did Gideon: who when he sounded, the oppressors, fell on one another!