Hymns And Homilies Of Ephraim The Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian
Hymn LVII. Listen, my brethren, to Death, mocking the Evil One: that caused the head of our race to sin, and its mother
1. Listen, my brethren, to Death, mocking the Evil One: that caused the head of our race to sin, and its mother. -- 2. R., To Thee be glory that by Thy humiliation, Satan is subdued: and that Thy abasement has exalted Adam, who was abased. -- 3. D., Thy great nakedness shall be seen, by the sons of Adam; as thou mockedst his nakedness, when thou madest him sin. -- 4. Eve will cease from that serpent, and rail at thee: for thou, O Dragon, wast he that beguiled her simpleness. -- 5. Abel will see him, even, Cain, who has come to thee: the disciple of his wrath will blame his cursed master. -- 6. S., Noah who conquered the flood, as it were death: by the mouth of Ham I laughed at, when wine overcame him. -- 7. D., Noah was not harmed, but thy garment, wherewith thou clothedst him: even cursings, he put on, and became a slave. -- 8. S., Lot who overcame anger which is, thy likeness, Death: to his daughters I gave such counsels, as were pleasing to me. -- 9. D., And Lot's wife who was thy vessel hearkened, to thy counsel: may half of thee be dried up, as thy whole vessel was dried up! -- 10. Gehenna be overturned, upon thy head: as thy malice overturned Sodom, its dwellers! -- 11. Floods of fire be stirred against thee, in the resurrection: who against Moses and Elijah, didst stir the people! -- 12. Let the just mock thee at the last, and Joseph rejoice! whose brethren mocked him, set on by thee! -- 13. Let vapour of smoke come in, and choke thy senses: as the waters of the sea choked, the senses of the wicked! -- 14. Let chaste women also mock thee, by whose counsel: the daughters of Midian mocked, the foolish people! -- 15. Flame be kindled on thy head, for Samson's sake: for by a woman thou shavedst his locks, that lion of strength! -- 16. S., Saul whom I conquered by envy, by witchcraft conquered thee: for he asked for and brought up Samuel, out of his grave. -- 17. D., Slander not the living dead, for he came not up: thou wast he that came up in the phantom for thou wast worthy. -- 18. Let the commandment hang thee over the flame, thou Evil One! for by thee they hanged Absalom, upon a tree. -- 19. In the fire mayst thou see thyself humbled, among vile women! for Solomon by thee was degraded, among profane women. -- 20. Justice be measured to thee, as thou didst inflame her! even Jezebel who devoured the prophets, thou kindledst her. -- 21. In fire mayst thou justly burn, who madest them drunken! the two whom Elijah burnt up, when they went up and assailed him. -- 22. On thee also be coals heaped! may he see and rejoice: that Naboth in whom thou heapedst, a pile of stones! -- 23. Be thou clad in scorn in the day of judgment, before all beholders! who clothedst Gehasi in a leprosy, by means of thy theft. -- 24. With lightning for a dart be thou pierced, O Satan! who in the heart of Josiah, didst fix thy darts. -- 25. Sink thou in the dregs of Gehenna, O Satan! who didst sink Jeremiah in the mire of the pit. -- 26. Daniel escaped from the pit, whither thou didst cast him: may he have comfort in seeing thee, in the furnace for ever! -- 27. Be thy wickedness returned on thy head, Hater of man: as his wickedness was returned on the head, of Haman thy fellow! -- 28. May the King's Bride mock thee, as did Esther: when thou beseechest her in the judgment-day, to plead for thee! -- 29. Fire released the righteous ones, whom thou hadst bound: a mighty bond be to thee, the flame of fire! -- 30. Be thou torn in sunder, and may the seven brothers, see thy defeat: the sons of Shemuni who by thy wolves, were torn in sunder! -- 31. May fire triumph over thy pate, as thou didst mock: the two heads of Nazarites, sons of the barren! -- 32. May fire make mock of thy head, for mother and daughter: triumphed over John's head, when thou didst madden them! -- 33. Flame triumphed over thy head, O Evil One: for on the charges thou didst triumph, over John's head!