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Hymns And Homilies Of Ephraim The Syrian by Ephraim the Syrian

Hymn LIII. Come, let us hear how they contend for victory: the guilty ones who never have conquered, nor will conquer

1. Come, let us hear how they contend for victory: the guilty ones who never have conquered, nor will conquer. -- 2. Death said unto the Evil One, In the end the victory is mine: for Death is master of the close, as a conqueror. -- 3. Satan, This were to be Death indeed, wert thou able: to bring to death a living man, by means of lusts. -- 4. D., Lo! I who behold the dead, both good and bad: the righteous who despise thee, O Evil One, me they despise not. -- 5. S., This dying of the body, is sleep for a time: think not, O Death, that thou art Death, who art as a shadow. -- 6. D., Thee, O Evil One, the just have conquered, yea will conquer: but these that have conquered thee, lo! I conquer. -- 7. S., Even this that thou bringest to death the just, is not of thyself: because of Adam whom I conquered, they drink this cup. -- 8. D., Lo! Sheol is full of the men of Sodom, and the Assyrians: and the giants who were in the flood, who is like me? -- 9. S., These, O Death, all of them, by me were slain: I am he that caused them to sin so that they perished. -- 10. D., Joseph who conquered thee I conquered, O Satan: in the chamber he conquered thee but I conquered, and cast him into the tomb. -- 11. S., Moses who conquered thee, O Death, by sprinkling of blood: he conquered thee in Egypt, but at the rock, who conquered him? -- 12. D., Elijah who feared thee not, O Satan: fled before Jezebel's face, because he feared me. -- 13. S., Aaron who withstood thee, O Death, with smoke of incense: to him I gave earrings of gold: and he fashioned a calf. -- 14. D., Thou wentest down to contend with Job, and he conquered thee and came up: but I, after he had conquered thee, then conquered him. -- 15. S., David who by his sackcloth stayed that pestilence: him on the house-top I conquered, who had conquered Goliath. -- 16. D., Jehu who destroyed the house of Baal, the temple of the Evil One: was unable to destroy Sheol, the stronghold of my realm. -- 17. S., Solomon who snatched from thy mouth, a child by his judgment: him in his old age I made a builder of idol-altars. -- 18. D., Samuel who in respect of gold scorned thee, O Satan: him I conquered, the conqueror, who conquered bribes. -- 19. S., Samson who in respect of the lion's whelp, scorned thee, O Death: through Delilah, frail vessel, I yoked him to the mill. -- 20. D., Josiah from his childhood despised thee, Evil One: but me not even in his old age, could he withstand. -- 21. S., Hezekiah withstood thee, Death, when he overcame the bound of life: I misled him and he neglected the miracle, and showed his treasures. -- 22. D., John who conquered thee, Evil One, and absolved and baptized: I extinguished that torch, which had disclosed thee. -- 23. S., Simon overcame thee, when he brought to life that blessed woman: in a woman he overcame thee and by a woman I overcame him and made him deny. -- 24. S., Apostles and prophets with one voice, curse thee, O Death: |Where is the victory of Death, and the sting of Sheol?| -- 25. Thy Lord in Sheol thou hast shut up, O cursed servant: God hates thee and also man, hold then thy peace. -- 26. S., It was the will of Him who gives life to all, that shut him in Sheol: it was thou that called Him to this, when thou madest Adam sin. -- 27. O comrade of Nabal who in the wilderness reproached his lord: abhorred be thy mouth which said to Him, |Fall down and worship me!|
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