Important MSS.
1. Cologne 92. of the 8th cent. Held by Ewald to be the best of all the MSS.
2. St. Petersburg 6 F.1.7. (Formerly at Corvey; then at St. Germain-des-Prés.) 8th cent. The first in the list of MSS. given by Migne.
3. Berlin theol.322. of the 9th cent.
4. Dusseldorf B.79. of the 9th cent.
5. Munich 14641. of the 9th cent.
6. Paris 11674. (St. Germain 282.) of the 9th cent.
7. Vienna 934. of the 9th cent.
8. The Escurial d. I.1. (the Codex Emilianus). Written in West-Gothic minuscule, and finished in 992.
9. Bamberg 601. of the 10th cent.
10. Cologne 94. of the 10th cent.
11. Paris 2279. (Formerly in the library of St. Martial de Limoges;) of the 10th cent.
12. St. Gallen 670. of the 10th cent.
13. Trier 171. of the 10th cent.
14. Monte Cassino 71. Written in a Lombardic hand of the end of the 11th cent.
15. Wolfenbüttel 155. (75.) of the 11th cent.
16. Cologne 95. ofthe 12th cent.
17. Vatican 619. of the 12th cent.
1. Liber Ep'larum beati Gregorii Pape... (Augustæ Vindel., G. Zainer, c.1472) fol.
2. Epiftole ex Regiftro: (cum vita Gregorii præfixa). Venetiis per Laz. Soardum, 1505, fol.
3. Do. Parisiis, 1508, 4°.
4. in Gregorii Magni opera, beneficio Bertholdi Renbolt. In edibus J. Parvi: Parrhisiis, 1518, fol.
5. Do. ed. Franc. Regnault. Rothomagi (Paris), 1521, fol.
6. ...epiftole ex Regiftro fa'cti Gregorii pape; At fol. ccclvi. of Opera... Paris., ex officina Claudii Chevalon, 1523, fol.
7. Do. 1533, fol.
8. Registrum Epistolarum. Lugduni, 1539, 4°.
9. Do. ed. Guillart. Paris., 1542, fol.
10. in Opera...tom. II. Basil, 1550.
11. in Opera...cura Huldrici Coccii. Basil., ap. Froben., 1564, fol.
12. Epiftolæ ex Regiftro; col.433-825 of Vol. II. of Opera...ed. Ioannes Gillotius Campanus. Paris, 1571, fol.
13. Registrum Epistolarum. Venetiis, 1571.
14. Epistolæ ex Registro; fol.168^v of Vol. II. of Opera, Antverpiæ, 1572, fol.
15. Do. Venetiis, 1583.
16. [another ed. of No.12]. Paris., 1586.
17. Registrum Epistolarum; Vol. IV. of Opera...ed. Petrus Tossinianensis episc. Vennsinus. Romæ, ex typis Vaticanis, 1588-93.
18. in Opera, Sixti V....jussu emendata...[by R. Rodulphus, bp. of Venosa]. Paris., 1605, fol.
19. in Opera...Romæ, 1613, 8°.
20. Do. Duaci, 1615.
21. Do. emendata...[by P. Rodulphus.] Antverpiæ, 1615, fol.
22. Do. Paris., 1619.
23. Do. Paris., 1640.
24. Epistolæ; col.1027, Vol. V. Conciliorum, studio Ph. Labbei et G. Cossartii. Paris., 1671, fol.
25. in Opera...ed. Petr. Gussanvillæus, tom. II. pp.359-1150. Paris., 1675. fol.
26. &. labore monachorum ord. Sancti Benedicti è congregatione Sancti Mauri...tom. II., col.477-1317. Par., 1705, fol.
27. in Opera...ed. Gallicciolli, tom.7-9. Venetiis, 1768-76, 4°.
28. in Opera...tom.75-79 of Migne's Patrologia, tom. III., col.441. Parisiis, 1849, la.8°.
29. Gregorii I. pap -- Registrvm epistolarvm. Tomi I. pars I. Liber i.-iv. Edidit Pavlvs Ewald. Tomi I. pars II. Libri v.-vii. Tomi II. partes I., II. Libri viii.-xiv. Post Pavli Ewaldi obitvm edidit Lvdovicvs M. Hartmann. (Mon. Germ. Hist. -- Epistolarum tomi I., II.) Berl., 1887-95, 4°.
30. -- ; Uebersetzt...von M. Feyerabend. 6 vols. Kempten, 1807-9.
[See also no.38* in list of editions of |Cura Pastoralis.|]
The text in Migne's ed. is a reprint of the edition by the monks of St. Maur, of 1705.
By far the best edition of the Epistolæ yet attempted is that begun by Ewald, who died after editing pt. I., bks. I.-IV. The work is being continued on the same scale by L. M. Hartmann.
Antonii DadiniAlteserræ Antecessoris Tolosani, Notæ et observationes in xii. libros epistolarum B. Gregorii papæ... Tolosæ, 1669, 4°.
Baumgarten (P. M.), Ueber eine Handschrift der Briefe Gregors I. [B. M., King's libr.6, C. x.] (Neues Archiv d. Gesselsch. f. a. deutsch. Gesch. xv., 1890, p.60.)
Bembus (Matthæus), Pastor vigilans: sive ars regendi animas ex epistolis D. Gregorii Magni excerpta... Colon.1618, 8°.
Ewald (P.), Studien zur Ausgabe des Registers Gregors I. (Neues Archiv, iii., 1878, pp.433-625.)
Hartmann (L. M.), Ueber zwei Gregorbriefe. (Neues Archiv, xvii., 1892, p.193.)
-- -- -- -- Zur Chronologie der Briefe Gregors I. ( -- -- -- -- xv., 1890, p.411.)
-- -- -- -- Zur Orthographie Papst Gregors I. ( -- -- -- -- xv., 1890, p.529.)
Jaffé (Ph.) [Editor]. S. Gregorius I., ed. P. Ewald: pp.143-219, of vol. I., and p.738 of vol. II., of Regesta pontificum Romanorum, ed. P. Jaffé. Lipsiæ, 1885, 6, 4°.
James (Thomas), Vindiciæ Gregorianæ, seu restitutus innumeris pæne locis Gregorius ex variis MSS. vt magno labore, ita Singulari fide collatis. Genevæ, 1625, 4°.
Kellet (F. W.), Pope Gregory the Great and his relations with Gaul. (Cambridge historical essays.) Lond.1889, 8°.
Lampe (Fel.), Qui fuerint Gregorii Magni papæ temporibus in imperii Byzantini parte occidentali exarchi et qualia eorum iura atque officia. Diss....Berlin. Berlin, 1892, la.8°.
Maasen (F.), Ueber eine Sammlung von Schreiben Gregors I. u. Verordnungen der Kaiser u. Könige. Wien, 1877, 8°.
Mommsen (Th.), Zu den Gregorienbriefen. (Neues Archiv, xvii., 1892, p.189.)
Pflugk-Harttung (J. v.), Papst Gregor d. Gr. (Münchener allgem. Zeitung, 1888. Beilage no.209-215.)
Savini (F.), Se il Castrum Aprutiense delle lettere di s. Gregorio Magno fu l'odierna Teramo e se la voce Aprutium servi nel primitivo medio evo a denominare la città di Teramo, ovvero solo il suo territorio. (Archivio storico Italiano Ser. v. tom. X.1892, p.3.)
Wisbaum (W.), Die wichtigsten Richtungen und Ziele der Thätigkeit des Papstes Gregors des Grossen. Inaug. Diss....Bonn. Koln (1884), 8°.
Wolfsgruber (C.), Die vorpäpstliche Lebensperiode Gregors d. Gr. Nach seinen Briefen Dargestellt. Progr....Schotten. Wien, 1886, 4°.
-- -- -- -- Gregor der Grotze... Saulgau, 1890, 8°.
Wollschack (Th.), Die Verhältnisse Italiens, insbesondere des Langobardenreichs, nach dem Briefwechseb Gregors I. Progr....Horn. Horn, 1888, 4°.