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Basil Letters And Select Works by Basil

Letter XLIX. To Arcadius the Bishop.

I thanked the Holy God when I read your letter, most pious brother. I pray that I may not be unworthy of the expectations you have formed of me, and that you will enjoy a full reward for the honour which you pay me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was exceedingly pleased to hear that you have been occupied in a matter eminently becoming a Christian, have raised a house to the glory of God, and have in practical earnest loved, as it is written, |the beauty of the house of the Lord,| and have so provided for yourself that heavenly mansion which is prepared in His rest for them that love the Lord. If I am able to find any relics of martyrs, I pray that I may take part in your earnest endeavour. If |the righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance,| I shall without doubt have a share in the good fame which the Holy One will give you.
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