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Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament by St. Augustine


Abraham, promise to, and fulfilment, 93, etc.

Adoption, nature of, 104.

Andrew, and another, the first followers of our Lord, 121.

Annunciation, the, 107, 109.

Apostles, the, choosing of, 125; mission of, 136.

Archelaus, son of King Herod, explanation of statement regarding, 114, etc.

Ass, the, on which Christ rode, 159.

Barabbas preferred to Christ, 193.

Bethany, anointment of Christ in, 171, etc.

Cæsar, of rendering tribute to, 166.

Canaan, woman of, 152.

Centurion, a, gives testimony to Christ at His death, 206.

Child, children, little, an example of humility, 156; Christ lays hands on, 157; sing hosanna in the temple, 161.

Christ, kingship and priesthood of, 78; His divinity, 79; why He wrote nothing Himself, 81; the Catholic Church testifies to His wisdom, 82; books on magic ascribed to, 83; magic arts ascribed to, 84; derivation of the name, 85; idols subverted by His name, 93; fulfilment of prophecies concerning, 96; Mediator between God and men, 100; His genealogy, 102, etc.; birth of, 102, 111; visits Jerusalem when twelve years old, 112; baptism of, 119; temptation of, 120; calls His first disciples, 121; leaves Nazareth and dwells at Capernaum, 121; sets apart the twelve, 125; His reply to the scribe who offered to follow Him, 128; calls Matthew, 131; His reply to questions about fasting, 133; sends forth the twelve, 136; upbraids the cities which repented not, 139; comes to His own country, 144; goes up unto a mountain to pray, 150; announces His passion, 154, 155, 169; pays tribute, 155; uttered the same saying repeatedly and in different places, 156; lays His hands on little children, 157; enters Jerusalem on an ass, 159; expels the buyers and sellers from the temple, 160; David's son and David's Lord, 167; foretells the destruction of the temple, 169; His discourse on the Mount of Olives, 169; anointment of, in Bethany, 171; His last passover, 175; indicates the traitor, 176, 178; His last supper, 177, etc.; discourse of, to the eleven, 178, etc.; in Gethsemane, 182; His arrest, 184; led away to Caiaphas, 186; accused of blasphemy, spit upon, and buffeted, 186; denied by Peter, 187, etc.; delivered to Pilate, 190; questioned by Pilate, 193; accused by the chief priests, 194; sent to Herod, who mocks Him, 194; crowned with thorns, 196; led away to be crucified, 197; crucified, 198; insults to, on the cross, 204; last words of, on the cross, and death of, 205; miracles at His death, 206; women looked on at His crucifixion, 207; body of, given to Joseph, 208; His burial, 208; resurrection of, announced by an angel to the women at the sepulchre, 209, etc.; appearance of, to Mary Magdalene, 213, etc.; manifests Himself to His disciples, 215, etc.; eats after His resurrection, 218, 224; ascension of, 220, 224; appearances of, in Galilee, 221, etc.; ten appearances of, 223.

Christ, miracles of, at Cana, 121, 122; cure of multitudes, 121; healing the leper, 124, the centurion's servant, 126, Peter's wife's mother, 127; calming of the waters, 129; casting out the legion of devils, 130; healing the sick of the palsy, 130; raising of Jairus' daughter, 134; curing two blind men, 136, 158; restoring the withered hand, 140; the five loaves, 147; walking on the sea, 150; curing the woman of Canaan's daughter, 152; the seven loaves, 152; curing the lunatic, 155; making the fig-tree wither, 161, etc.; casting out an unclean spirit, 226; healing the infirm man at the pool of Siloam, 232.

Church, the Catholic, testifies to the wisdom of Christ, 82.

Cicero, speaks of the heathen gods as deified men, 90; his opinion of Roscius the actor, 99.

Commandment, the great, 166.

Crucifixion of Christ, 198.

Devils are cast out when nations renounce their superstitions and believe on Christ, 168.

Disciples, calling of the first, 121, etc.; the designation not confined to the twelve, 123.

Divorce treated of, 156, etc.

Elders, tradition of the, 151.

Emmaus, the walk to, 215.

Euhemerus declares the heathen gods to be only deified men, 90.

Evangelists, their number, order, and the principles on which they wrote, 78; apocalyptic symbols of the, 80; variety yet harmony of the, 117, etc.

Fasting, Christ's reply to questions about, 133.

Forty, the, mentioned by Matthew, import of, 105.

Genealogy of Christ, 102-107.

Gods. See Pagans.

Gospels, authority of the, 77; Mark, Luke, and John compared with Matthew, 102-225; passages peculiar to Mark, Luke, or John, 226-236.

Hebrews. See Jews.

Herod (the king), slaughter of the young children by, 112.

Herod (the tetrarch), son of Herod the king, 114; his opinion of Christ, 145; compared to a fox, 168; mocks Christ, 194.

Idolaters argued with, 94, etc.

Idols, subverted by the name of Christ, 93; predicted rejection of, 94.

Israel a witness for the true God, 94.

Jairus, raising of his daughter, 134.

Jesus. See Christ.

Jews, had only one God, the true God, 84; why subjected to the Romans, 85; still reject idolatry, 86.

Jews, God of the, not worshipped by the Romans, 84; allowed the Jews to be conquered, but proved Himself to be unconquered, 85; proof that He is the true God, 87, etc.; exclusive worship due to the, 88; heathen opinions regarding, 89, 95; witnessed to by Israel, 94.

John (the apostle), specially sets forth Christ's divinity, 79; his contemplative character, 80; passages peculiar to his Gospel, 231-236.

John (the Baptist), his birth, 110.; his preaching, 112, 116; testimony of, 117; his knowledge of Christ, 120; his disciples and Christ, 132, 139; his imprisonment and death, 146.

Joseph, why Christ's genealogy traced down to him and not to Mary, 102.

Joseph of Arimathæa begs the body of Jesus, 208.

Judas, was a thief, 174; covenants to betray Christ, 175; entry of Satan into, 178; his kiss, 184; his repentance, despair, and death, 191.

Jupiter, thought by Varro to be the God of the Jews, 89; legends regarding, 89, etc.

Leon, an Egyptian priest, expounded the origin of the gods, 90.

Living creatures of the Apocalypse as symbols of the evangelists, 80.

Lucan speaks of the God of the Jews as an uncertain God, 96.

Luke, specially sets forth Christ's priesthood, 78; passages peculiar to his Gospel, 230, 231.

Magic, books on, ascribed to Christ 83; arts of, ascribed to Christ, 84.

Mark, follows Matthew closely, 78; passages peculiar to his Gospel, 226-230.

Mary, the Virgin, song of, 110.

Mary of Bethany anointed Christ, 173.

Mary Magdalene, appearance of Christ to, 213.

Matthew, wrote in Hebrew, 78; sets forth specially the kingly character of Christ, 79, 105; calling of, 131.

Mediator, mystery of a, made known to the ancients, 100.

Miracles accompanied Christ's death, 206. See Christ.

Nazareth, question regarding Christ's early residence in, 108.

Nicodemus brings spices to anoint the body of Jesus, 208.

Numbers (symbolic), 105, 106, 216.

Pagans, the, their opinion of Christ, 82; derided their own deities, 83; while lauding Christ, insulted His disciples, 86; their fables about Jupiter and Saturn, 89; their gods only deified men, 90; dilemma for, 92.

Parables, of the sower, etc., 143; of the labourers in the vineyard, 158, etc.; of the marriage feast, 165.

Passion, the, strictly so called, 196; hour of, 198, etc.

Passover, our Lord's last, 175.

Peter, his denial of Christ foretold, 178; cuts off Malchus' right ear, 184; denies Christ, 187; his repentance, 189; his love to Christ, who commits His sheep to him, 235.

Pharisees, the, object to Christ's eating with publicans and sinners, 132; seek a sign, 142; leaven of the, 153; sit in Moses' seat, 167.

Pilate (Pontius), governor of the Jews, 113; Christ brought before, 190; questions Christ, 193; message from his wife, 200; seeks to release Christ, 200; gives Him up to be crucified, 201; gives His body to Joseph, 208.

Plato quoted, 100.

Potter's field, buying of the, 191; the words of the prophecy regarding, are as much Zechariah's as Jeremiah's, 191.

Prophecy, against idols, 93; fulfilment of, 94; made known to the ancients the mystery of a Mediator, 100.

Prophecy (heathen), defect of, 98.

Pythagoras left no writings, 82.

Robbers, the, crucified along with Christ, 204, etc.

Romans (the heathen), worshipped the gods of all conquered nations, except the Jews, 84; their reasons for this exception, 87, etc.

Romulus, fratricide of, 84.

Saturn, asserted by some to be the God of the Jews, 84; interpretation of the name, 91.

Scripture, deals with round numbers, omitting fractions, 198; often expresses the whole under the part, 211.

Septuagint, the, its authority, 160.

Sermon on the Mount, questions regarding its delivery, 124.

Simon the Pharisee, supper in his house, 173.

Simon the Cyrenian compelled to bear Christ's cross, 197.

Socrates versified Æsop, but left no original writings, 82.

Sonship, various orders of, 104.

Staff, the, on the journey, 137.

Supper, the Lords last, 177.

Temple, the, buyers and sellers expelled from, 160; destruction of, foretold, 169; rending of the veil of, 206.

Temptation of Christ, 120.

Ten, the number symbolic of justice, 107.

Thorns, the crown of, 196.

Tradition of the elders, 151.

Transfiguration of Christ, 154.

Tribute, paying of, 155; to Cæsar, 166.

Varro thought the God of the Jews was Jupiter, 89.

Vinegar, the draught of, given to Christ on the cross, 205.

Virgil cited, 89, 90, 91.

Wise men, visit of the, 109, 111.

Word, the, assumed the flesh, was not changed into the flesh, 79.

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