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Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament by St. Augustine


Acyndinus, 21.

Adjurations, 22.

Adoption of sons, 32, 39.

Adultery, 15 sqq.

Adversary, who is the, 14.

Alms, 35; what is meant by the |left hand,| 36.

Altar, meaning of, 12.

Ananias, 28.

Anger, 11.

Anxiety, 41, 50, 53.

Augustin, as an exegete, vii; authority of, in the Middle Ages, vii; knowledge of Hebrew, viii; knowledge of Punic, 49; and the Vulgate, ix; examples of critical notation, ix; many interpretations of Scripture, x; and a Bible Dictionary, x; use of allegory, xi.

Battus, 37 (note).

Body, serving the, 9.

Bushel measure, 9.

Cana, miracle of, x.

Christ, second coming of, 40; traditional saying of, 52 (note); the rock, 63.

Christians, equality of, 39.

Clement quoted, 14 (note).

Commandments, the least, 11.

Cyprian quoted, 38 (note).

Daily bread, what it is, 42, 46.

Devil, the, 14; speaking with God, 44.

Divorce, 17-22; Woolsey on, 22 (note).

Earth, meaning of, 4, 5 (note), 39.

Elijah inflicting punishments, 28.

Enemies to be loved, 18, 29, 30.

Eucharist, 40, 42.

Farrar on Augustin as an exegete, vii.

Farthing, the uttermost, 13, 43.

Fasting, 47.

Forgiveness, 43, 46.

Fornication, 16, 17, 18, 20.

Gehenna, 11, 12.

God, omnipresence of, 15, 40; Fatherhood of, 39; name of, 40; kingdom of, 40; speaking with Satan, 44; agency in temptation, 45; providential care of, 50.

Golden Rule, 59.

Good for evil, 26, 27.

Gregory on Job, xi.

Heart, purpose of, 48; a pure, 5, 34.

Heaven, 8, 18, 23, 39, 40, 41.

Hillel quoted, 59 (note).

Holy Spirit, sevenfold operation of, 6, 63; sin against, 31; fruits of, 61.

Humility, 4, 6.

Hypocrisy, 35, 55, 62.

Imprecation used for predicting future events, 30.

Influence, hiding, 9.

Injuries, treatment of, 14, 25, 28 sq.

Iota, 10.

Joy, Christian, 61, 62.

Judgment, the, 11.

Judgments, human, 54, 55.

Kingdom of God, 40.

Law, keeping the, 10; sum of the, 59; sueing at the, 26.

Left hand, meaning of, 35, 36.

Light of the world, 9.

Lord's Prayer, 38 sqq., 45.

Lord's Supper. See Eucharist.

Love, for enemies, 18, 30; for neighbour, 29.

Luther quoted, 36 (note), 38 (note).

Maimonides quoted, 29 (note).

Manichæans refuted, vii, 28, 60.

Marriage, 17, 19-22.

Meek, the, 4.

Merciful, the, 5.

Mount, meaning of, 4; on which Sermon was delivered, 4 (note); the Sermon on, as a standard of life, 3; purpose of, 3 (note).

Mourn, they that, 5.

Murder, 11.

Natures, not two original, 60.

Oaths, 22, 23 (note).

Obedience to God's will, 41.

Offerings at the altar, 12.

Origen quoted, 52 (note).

Paraclete, the, 5.

Paul reviling the high priest, 25.

Peacemakers, the, 5.

Persecution, 7.

Prayer, secret, 37; standing posture in, 37 (note), 39; efficacy of, 38; facing the east in, 39; Mahometan's, 43; the Lord's, 38 sqq.

Preaching, aim of, not a livelihood, 51.

Proud, the, 4, 14.

Providence, 50.

Punishment, for sin, 13; degrees of, 27; inflicted by mortals, 28; corporeal, 28.

Purity of heart, 5, 35.

Racha, viii, 11.

Reconciliation, 12, 14.

Renan, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, 3 (note); on slavery, 25 (note).

Reuss on Augustin as an exegete, vii.

Revenge, 24-26, 29.

Reviling, 8.

Righteousness, 10; of the Pharisees, 11.

Rupert of Deutz quoted, vii.

Salt, savorless, 8.

Sanctification, perfect, 33 (note).

Septuagint, Augustin' s reverence for, viii.

Sermon on the Mount. See Mount.

Simon, Père, on Augustin as an exegete, vii.

Sin, degrees of, 12; three stages in, 15, 16; forgiveness of, 43.

Slavery, 26.

South, Robert, quoted, 16 (note), 48 (note).

Susannah tempted, 44.

Symmachus, version of, viii.

Temptation, 43; agent in, 44, 45.

Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, 4 (note), 38 (note), 42 (note), 47 (note), 59 (note).

Tertullian quoted, 38 (note).

Theodotion, version of, viii.

Thomas, legend of, 28.

Tichonius, rules of, x.

Tittle, 10.

Trench on Augustin as an exegete, vii.

Tunic, 26.

Universalists, 13 (note).

Unjust judge, the, 50.

Webster, Daniel, testimony to the Sermon on the Mount, 3 (note).

Works, good, 9.

World, meaning of, 9.

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