The Harmony Of The Gospels by St. Augustine
Chapter I.--Of the Question Regarding the Proof that Mark's Gospel is in Harmony with the Rest in What is Narrated (Those Passages Which He Has in Common with Matthew Being Left Out of Account), from Its Beginning Down to the Section Where It is Said, |An
2. Mark, then, commences as follows: |The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God: as it is written in the prophet Isaiah;| and so on, down to where it is said, |And they go into Capharnaum; and straightway on the Sabbath-day He entered into the synagogue and taught them.| In this entire context, everything has been examined above in connection with Matthew. This particular statement, however, about His going into the synagogue at Capharnaum and teaching them on the Sabbath-day, is one which Mark has in common with Luke. But it raises no question of difficulty.