City Of God by St. Augustine
Chapter 24.--Whether the Angels Can Be Said to Be the Creators of Any, Even the Least Creature.
But in this book we have nothing to do with those who do not believe that the divine mind made or cares for this world. As for those who believe their own Plato, that all mortal animals -- among whom man holds the pre-eminent place, and is near to the gods themselves -- were created not by that most high God who made the world, but by other lesser gods created by the Supreme, and exercising a delegated power under His control, -- if only those persons be delivered from the superstition which prompts them to seek a plausible reason for paying divine honors and sacrificing to these gods as their creators, they will easily be disentangled also from this their error. For it is blasphemy to believe or to say (even before it can be understood) that any other than God is creator of any nature, be it never so small and mortal. And as for the angels, whom those Platonists prefer to call gods, although they do, so far as they are permitted and commissioned, aid in the production of the things around us, yet not on that account are we to call them creators, any more than we call gardeners the creators of fruits and trees.