A Grammar Of Septuagint Greek by Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare
1 Clem. 1 Clement
2 Clem. 2 Clement
Acc. Accusative
Ant. Antiquities.
B (Codex) Vaticanus
B. J. Wars of the Jews (Josephus)
Barn. Barnabas
Ep. Epistle
Gen. Genitive (sometimes Genesis)
Herm. Hermas
Hes. Hesiod
Hom. Homer
Il Iliad
Isocr. Isocrates
Jos. Josephus
L. & S. Liddell and Scott.
Mart. Martyrdom of Polycarp
Mss. Manuscripts
N.T. New Testament
O Origen
Od Odyssey
Past. Mdt. Shepherd, Mandate.
Past. Sim. Shepherd, Similitudes.
Past. Vis. Shepherd, Visions.
Plat. Plato
Plaut. Plautinus
Th Theodotion
S. Ign. Ignatius
Sim. Similitudes
Xen Xenophon
Ec Economics
Eur Euripides
I.T. Iphigenia in Tauris
Phaedr Phaedrus
Thuc Thucydides
Cyrop Cyropedia