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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : THE 23RD PSALM OF DAVID.

Paul Gerhardts Spiritual Songs by Paul Gerhardt


Der Herr, der aller Enden


The Lord, the earth who ruleth,

And with His hand controlleth,

Whose goodness never endeth,

He watcheth me and tendeth.

As long as He is near me

With every gift He'll cheer me,

Of fulness overflowing

The riches aye bestowing.

By pastures green He leads me,

With gladness there He feeds me,

From purest springs revives me,

In need He counsel gives me.

And when the soul is fearful

Through grievous thoughts and careful,

He comfort giveth ever

And knows how to deliver.

My steps aright He leadeth,

And what to do me guideth,

And for His name's sake glorious

O'er fear makes me victorious.

Though often left to ponder,

While in dark vales I wander,

No evil fear I ever,

Distress o'ertakes me never.

Thou standest still beside me,

From wicked men dost hide me,

Thy rod and staff protect me,

And no fear can deject me.

My table Thou preparest,

For my refreshment carest,

When foes are plotting round me,

And seek to pain and wound me.

My head with oil anointest,

My empty soul appointest

Of every good and pleasure

A full o'erflowing measure.

The goodness Thou bestowest,

The mercy that Thou showest,

Till life itself forsake me,

Shall glad and joyful make me.

Thy service will I never

Forsake, but praise Thee ever,

In Thy house where Thou livest,

Reward to goodness givest.

As long as life is given

On earth here, and in heaven

Where I shall stand before Thee,

I'll evermore adore Thee!

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