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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

When I heard the Saviour calling


When I heard the Saviour calling

Weary, burdened souls to rest --

|'Tis the voice of love that calleth,

I will honour His behest;|

And I found repose from sorrow,

Leaning on my Saviour's breast.

Weary souls, all upward toiling,

Have ye sorrow for your care?

Wherefore bend beneath the burden

Which your Lord will gladly share?

He can bear your weight of sorrow,

Who the cross to Calvary bare.

Seek not rest in worldly promise;

Worldly rest hath troubled dreams;

Not so true the world's fulfilment,

As at first the promise seems.

He who tastes the Living Water

Thirsts not after other streams.

Hear the voice of Jesus calling,

Take the burden He bestows,

'Tis a load, the more you bear it,

Lighter and yet lighter grows;

And at length the faithful bearer

Finds an undisturbed repose.

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