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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

I sought the Lord at early morn,


I sought the Lord at early morn,

When earth awoke to see the light;

And to my soul a light was borne

That quelled the darkness of my night;

He heard my prayer at early morn,

And light into my heart was borne.

I sought the Lord when noontide shone,

And head and hand earth's duties shared;

|I am Thy servant, Lord, alone,|

I said, and told Him how I fared;

He heard my prayer as I drew near,

And kept me at my task, sincere.

I sought the Lord when evening fell,

And night came gliding on apace;

For I had sins my Lord to tell,

And He is full of pardoning grace;

He heard my prayer, and bade me rest,

And in His love my soul was blest.

At morn, at noon, at night, I'll pray,

And Thou, O Lord, my prayer wilt hear;

For Thou art near my path alway,

To aid, to comfort, or to cheer;

No hour too early, none too late,

To knock imploring at Thy gate.

O Jesus Christ, to Thee be praise!

'Tis Thou hast taught my soul to pray,

For Thou didst speak with God always,

At morn, at noon, at close of day;

And Thou hast said He hears the prayer

The longing soul breathes everywhere.

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