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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie




Christian soldiers in the conflict!

Bear the banner of the cross;

Rich reward shall crown the victor,

More than recompense, for loss.

Not with paltry palms that wither

Shall the brow be gaily crowned;

But with light that shines eternal,

And with heavenly joy renowned.

Yours are mansions fair and comely,

There your souls in bliss shall rest;

Stars shall sparkle in their radiance

On the pathway of the blest.

Earthly joys are faint and fleeting,

Earthly favours quickly fade;

Heavenward lift your eyes, expecting

There your true reward is laid.

God be praised, who crowns the victor;

Christ be praised, who saves from sin;

Equal praise to God the Spirit,

By whose aid we fight and win.

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