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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : Darkly the tempest swept

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

Darkly the tempest swept


Darkly the tempest swept

Over the sea;

Fiercely the billows leapt,

Bounding and free;

Sternly each rower bent,

While in the firmament

Clouds were by lightnings rent,

O'er Galilee.

Pillowed, the Master lay,

Rocked by the deep;

Worn with the toil of day,

Weary, asleep;

|Master,| they fearful cry,

|Wake to the danger nigh;

Winds from the threatening sky,

Billows that leap.|

Calmly the Master rose --

Winds are assuaged;

Sank into calm repose

Waters that raged,

|Peace!| O Thou Lord of might,

Speak in our dread affright,

When through our troubled night,

Battles are waged.

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