os egerthe o kurios, thanatosas ton thanaton
Glorious from the field of strife,
Lo! the Victor mounts His throne;
Lord of death and King of life,
His the triumph, His alone --
Glorious from the field of strife,
Christ, Immortal King of Life.
Wake to gladness, sons of men!
Heaven, your gates eternal raise!
Welcome to your bliss again
Him, the worthiest of praise --
Glorious from the field of strife,
Christ, Immortal King of Life.
Ah, the rage of angry foes!
Ah, the garments rolled in blood!
Where were dealt the fiercest blows,
There the valiant Victor stood --
Glorious on the field of strife,
Christ, Immortal King of Life.
Sin and death -- the twain assailed,
And the Christ expiring fell;
But the Death o'er death prevailed,
And the might of sin and hell;
Victor from the field of strife,
Hail! Immortal King of Life.