Almighty God! Thy power controls
The surging sea that ceaseless rolls;
Its waves obey Thy high behest,
And mount to heaven, or sink to rest.
Creation owns its rightful Lord,
And bows submissive to Thy word;
No will against Thy will prevails,
He sinks to earth who God assails.
When passions surge within the soul,
As waves before the tempest roll;
When wild desires the heart entice
From yielding aught to sacrifice,
Then, Lord, command the surge to cease,
And give the soul Thy lasting peace;
For Thou hast power who stilled the sea
That wildly raged at Galilee.
Lord, when our souls by care oppressed,
By sorrow grieved, or doubt distressed,
Peer through the darkness for the ray
That tells of dawn, and coming day:
Speak, and the Voice that bade the light
O'erthrow the reign of primal night,
Shall bring the sunshine that shall scare
Those prowling terrors in their lair.
O Christ our Lord, Thy power proclaim,
Our wills control, our passions tame;
Be near us, and unrest shall cease,
Amid the calm of heavenly peace.