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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

tachus eis antilepsin, nomos uparchon Christi


tachus eis antilepsin, nomos uparchon Christi

Anointing of the sick

Thou, Lord, hast power to heal,

And Thou wilt quickly aid;

For Thou dost deeply feel

The stripes upon us laid --

Thou who wast wounded by the rod

Uplifted in the hand of God.

Send speedy help, we pray,

To him who ailing lies,

That from his couch he may

With thankful heart arise;

Through prayers which all availing find

Thine ear, O Lover of mankind.

Oh, blinded are our eyes,

And all are held in night;

But like the blind who cries,

We cry to Thee for light;

In penitence, O Christ, we pray,

Give us the radiant light of day.

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