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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

Anointing of the sick


Anointing of the sick

O Gracious Christ, Thy power reveal,

And let Thy sin-sick servant live;

Speak but the word, for Thou canst heal,

And from its wounds my soul relieve.

My stricken soul for succour cries,

For Thou, O Lord, compassion art;

Now, while I lift my pleading eyes,

Thy healing grace in love impart.

Thou, Lord, didst journey long ago,

Where sick and sorrowing lives were spent;

And Thou didst heed the call of woe,

And joy and health from heaven were sent.

And Thou hast power to-day as then,

And Thou with love art loving still;

Still art Thou with the sons of men

Thy healing mission to fulfil.

Teach me, O Christ, my rest to find

From all my sickness and my care,

Upon Thy love exceeding kind,

That finds the needy everywhere.

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