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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : anastasin Christou theasamenoi

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

anastasin Christou theasamenoi


anastasin Christou theasamenoi

We have heard the wondrous story

Of the Resurrection morn;

We have seen its matchless glory,

Christ the risen Lord adorn.

Let us worship and adore Him,

Let us now fall down before Him.

Men with erring sinners found Thee,

Found the only sinless One;

And upon a cross they bound Thee,

For the good that Thou hadst done;

Let us worship and adore Him,

Let us now fall down before Him.

We have heard the wondrous story

Of the Resurrection morn:

Christ our God, to Him be glory,

For the bands of death are torn;

Let us worship and adore Him,

Come and let us fall before Him.

Come, ye faithful, come with gladness,

To your God thanksgiving pay;

For the Cross was shorn of sadness

On the Resurrection day:

Let us worship and adore Him,

Come and let us bow before Him.

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