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Give To SermonIndex : Christian Books : O God of love, whose mercy came

Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

O God of love, whose mercy came


O God of love, whose mercy came

To this dark world of sin and shame,

And on a cross of suffering sore,

That sin and shame in meekness bore.

Supreme the love the Christ displayed,

When He, True God, True Man was made;

When He was scorned, His patience then

Shone forth Divine, with sinful men.

Did e'er such mercy lead the great

To stoop from high to low estate?

Did e'er such love incline the heart

To take the erring sinner's part?

'Twas God who loved, 'twas God who gave

His Son our erring souls to save;

'Tis Christ that wins us by the love

From earth below to heaven above.

Win me, O Lord, whose mercy came

To this dark world of sin and shame,

To that bright world whose beauties shine

For ever in Thy love Divine.

To Thee, O Father, glory be;

And glory, Christ, God-Man, to Thee;

And to the Spirit, Three in One,

Now, and while countless ages run.

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