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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

Christos gennatai


Christos gennatai

By St. Cosmas the Melodist, 760 A.D.

Christ is born, go forth to meet Him,

Christ by all the heaven adored;

Singing songs of welcome, greet Him,

For the earth receives her Lord.

All ye nations, shout and sing;

For He comes, your glorious King.

Once His heavenly image bearing,

Man has sunk to depths of sin;

Now defiled, debased, despairing,

Clad in rags and foul within;

But our God, who beauty gave,

Lifts the soul He comes to save.

From the height of heaven beholding,

Pity filled the heart of grace;

And our Lord, His love unfolding,

Made the earth His dwelling-place;

And a virgin mother gave

God Incarnate, man to save.

Wisdom, Might, and Word Eternal,

Glory of the Father, Thou!

Hid from man and powers supernal,

Lo, He wears our nature now!

To the Lord your worship bring,

Praise Him, your victorious King.

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