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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

Doxa en upsistois The?


Doxa en upsistois The?

Hark! upon the morning breezes,

In the darkness, ere the waking,

Music sweet the senses pleases,

Soft upon the stillness breaking;

|Glory, Glory!| this the singing,

Welcome to Immanuel bringing.

Shepherds at their watch beholding

Angels clad in glistening whiteness,

Heard the wondrous news unfolding

'Mid that dazzling scene of brightness:

|Glory, Glory!| peace, and kindness,

Light is breaking on our blindness.

Glorious morn! The sun, uprising,

Shone upon a world rejoicing;

God is with us -- truth surprising!

List to song the message voicing:

|Glory, Glory!| ages told it,

Heavenly voices now unfold it.

God adored, our nature wearing!

Ah, such condescending meekness!

Stooping to a world despairing,

Full of pity for our weakness:

|Glory, Glory!| praises swelling,

God hath made with man His dwelling.

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