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Hymns Of The Early Church by John Brownlie

A crown of gold surpassing rare,


A crown of gold surpassing rare,

The western hills, in beauty wear;

And earth and sea reflect the light,

That fades before th' approach of night.

O Glorious Sun! whose peerless ray

Illumes the realm of endless day,

Shine on a world where darkness dwells,

And all the joy of day dispels.

Soft o'er the land the twilight creeps;

Night falls apace, and nature sleeps;

Oh, let not night my life control,

And plunge in sleep my drowsy soul.

Sleep to the weary pilgrim give,

But let the soul through slumber live;

Wake when the first faint gleam of morn

Tells that another day is born.

Light of my life! bid night depart,

Sing to my soul, and cheer my heart;

That morn, and noon, and night may be

One beauteous day of joy to me.

And when the brightest morn shall break,

And bid the eternal day awake,

O glorious Sun! in radiance shine,

To guard from night the realm Divine.

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